Abstract | Uslijed nedovoljnog poznavanja specifičnosti kreativnih industrija, poduzetnički pothvati mladih sve češće rezultiraju neuspjehom, ili čak nepoduzimanjem poduzetničkog pothvata, zbog rizika koji ulazak u poduzetništvo nosi sa sobom. Svrha je ovog diplomskog rada bila utvrditi prepreke s kojima se mladi poduzetnici susreću pri pokretanju poduzetničkih pothvata, a koje ih sputavaju u ostvarenju uspješnoga poslovanja. Provedeno je temeljito istraživanje i analiza programa potpore mladim poduzetnicima te istraživanje znanja, vještina i kompetencija potrebnih za ostvarenje uspješnoga pothvata. Samim time, s ciljem otkrivanja i jasnijeg utvrđivanja prepreka u poduzetništvu u modnoj industriji, prikazani su primjeri dobre i loše prakse poduzetnika te je ispitano 5 poduzetnika iz modne industrije putem polustrukturiranog intervjua.
Rezultati istraživanja pokazali su kako, iako postoje brojne potporne institucije i različite pomoći za financiranje pothvata, poduzetnici još uvijek nisu dovoljno informirani, što dovodi do toga da državnu potporu smatraju nedovoljnom. Osim toga kreativnim djelatnicima nedostaje poduzetničkog obrazovanja koje im je potrebno kako bi bili upućeniji u poslovanje, što dovodi do problema s izlaskom na tržište, pregovaračkim vještinama, promoviranjem, administriranjem i slično. Rezultati diplomskog rada mogu pomoći mladim poduzetnicima i onima koji se žele okušati u poduzetništvu u kreativnim industrijama, imajući na umu prepreke na koje bi mogli naići ulaskom u poduzetništvo, obvezu razvijanja osnovnih znanja, vještina i kompetencija te preporuke iz prakse koje bi olakšale ne samo pokretanje poduzetničkog pothvata u modnoj industriji već i njegov budući razvoj i održivost. |
Abstract (english) | Due to insufficient knowledge of the specifics of creative industries, entrepreneurial ventures of young people increasingly result in failure, or even in non-starting an entrepreneurial venture at all because of the risks it entails. The purpose of this thesis is to identify the obstacles that young entrepreneurs face when starting a business and which hinder them in achieving successful business. Thorough research has been performed as well as analysis of support programs for young entrepreneurs, and also research of knowledge, skills and competencies needed to achieve a successful venture. Therefore, in order to detect and identify more clearly obstacles to entrepreneurship in the fashion industry, examples of good and bad practice of entrepreneurs are presented here, including semi-structured interview with 5 entrepreneurs from the fashion industry.
The results of the research show that although there are numerous support institutions and various grants to finance the venture, entrepreneurs are still not sufficiently informed, which leads them to consider the support from the state to be insufficient. In addition, creative workers lack the entrepreneurial education they need to be more knowledgeable in business, which leads to the problems with market entry, negotiation skills, promotion, administration, and the like. The results of the thesis can help young entrepreneurs and all those who want to take chance at entrepreneurship in creative industries, referring to the obstacles they may encounter when entering entrepreneurship, the obligation to develop basic knowledge, skills and competencies and also practical recommendations that would facilitate not only starting an entrepreneurial venture in the fashion industry, but also its future development and sustainability. |