Title Ispitivanje stavova o društvenom trendu plus size i curvy
Title (english) Examination of attitudes towards the social trend of plus size and curvy
Author Ema Vugrinec
Mentor Silvana Fratrić Kunac (mentor)
Granter VERN University Zagreb
Defense date and country 2020-09-14, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Information and Communication Sciences
Abstract Utjecaj društvenih mreža i njihov sadržaj veliki je problem današnjeg modernog i ubrzanoga svijeta. Primjerice, najpopularnija društvena mreža Instagram, kao vodeća mreža koja broji preko milijun registriranih korisnika, svoj sadržaj temelji na fotografijama i videozapisima. Utjecaj društvenih mreža i sadržaj koji objavljuju njegovi korisnici, potencijalno predstavlja problem, točnije, zbog raznih utjecajnika koji postavljaju svoje fotografije, tako postavljaju i trendove kako hranjenja i oblačenja, tako i fizičkoga izgleda. Na taj način, količina lajkova uvelike diktira što je društveno prihvatljivo. Zatim se korisnici tih mreža uspoređuju, kritiziraju što potencijalno može u potpunosti iskriviti sliku pojedinca o samome sebi. Cilj ovoga rada je prikazati kako sadržaj na društvenim mrežama, ali i trendovi koji su ondje pokrenuti, mogu promijeniti vlastitu predodžbu pojedinca o sebi i kako utječu na samopoštovanje osobe. Točnije, u radu se istraživanje ograničilo na plus size i curvy trend, koji je pokrenut s ciljem prihvaćanja svih ugodno popunjenih tjelesnih oblina. Važno je naglasiti da je sintagma ugodno popunjen, do pojave ovoga trenda, bila eufemizam za pretilost. Za potrebe ovoga rada, provedeno je i istraživanje, odnosno, na mrežnim stranicama postavljen je upitnik kojeg je ispunilo 500 ispitanika. Početna pretpostavka jest da spomenuti trendovi itekako utječu na vlastitu predodžbu pojedinca što su ispitanici i potvrdili. Isto tako, pokazalo se da takvi trendovi mogu značiti opravdavanje problema pretilosti i nesuočavanje s tim problemom u svim dobnim skupinama.
Abstract (english) The impact of social media, along with their nature of their content, is a hotly debated issue of today's society. For example, with over a million registered users, the most popular social media platform, Instagram, bases it's content on photos and video clips. The impact and content of social media posits a potential problem due to numerous influencers who, by uploading their photos and videos to social media, set a vast array of lifestyle trends ranging from fashion and nutrition to the modification of one's physical appearance. As a result, by comparing their lifestyle with the one promoted by social media content and trying to adhere to the trends set by social media influencers, social media users end up with a completely distorted view of themselves. The goal of this paper is to point out how social media content, along with the trends set by them, can impact one's self-esteem and distort the user's self-perception. The paper primarily focuses on the plus-size or curvy trend, the initial goal of which was the universal acceptance of full-figured body shapes. It is important to note that, until the appearance of the aforementioned trend, the syntagm full-figured was regarded as a euphemism for obese. For the purposes of this paper, an empirical online study was also conducted, in the form of an online questioner completed by 500 subjects. The initial hypothesis that trends set by social media gravely impact and distort one's self-perception was confirmed. Furthermore, the study showed that, along all age groups, these trends might also be used as a means of validifying and normalizing the issue of obesity and justifying the lack of will to confront it.
društvene mreže
plus size
pozitivne i negativne strane društvenih mreža
Keywords (english)
social media
plus size/curvy
positive and negative effects of social media
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:146:713851
Study programme Title: Public Relations and Media Studies Study programme type: professional Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: stručni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) odnosa s javnošću (stručni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) odnosa s javnošću)
Type of resource Text
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Created on 2021-02-11 15:25:02