Sažetak | U ovome je radu istraženo koji su najveći izazovi u upravljanju poduzetničkim pothvatima u ugostiteljskoj djelatnosti na primjerima iz Zadru. Primarni cilj rada je bio utvrditi kako se poduzetnici nose s izazovima na koje nailaze te kako pronalaze rješenja i odgovore. Za izradu teorijsko-praktičnog okvira korišten je pregled znanstvene i stručne literature te javni statistički podaci. Za empirijski dio intervjuirano je sedam poduzetnika, vlasnika malih ugostiteljskih poduzeća (4-8 zaposlenih) u gradu Zadru (3 restorana i 4 café-bara). Prema odgovorima ispitanika najveći motori rasta malih ugostiteljskih poduzeća u Hrvatskoj su nove tehnologije te sociološki i etički čimbenici jer unatoč svim blagodatima novih tehnologija, još uvijek je važan osobni i etičan odnos s gostima. Prateći konkurenciju i nove tehnologije, svi ispitanici žele inovativnost, proširenje posla i veću zaradu. Najveći općeniti problemi na koje nailaze povezani su uz uređenje prostora, dozvole, poreze i razne druge državne naknade. Kao profesionalni ugostitelji i iskusni poduzetnici, redovito vode evidencije o prihodima i svojim obvezama jer smatraju da je to najvažniji dio poslovanja, a njihovo vrijeme provedeno u lokalu direktno utječe na uspješnost poslovanja i visinu profita. Navode da je život poduzetnika avanturističan i zanimljiv, premda često težak, tjeskoban, i nepredvidljiv, ali ne ističu osobne probleme. Kao jakosti navode organiziranost, dugogodišnje iskustvo, snalažljivost, upornost, komunikativnost, ali uvijek postoji prostor za dodatne edukacije. Svi ispitanici imaju veoma dobar odnos sa zaposlenicima, ali održiv samo na poslovnoj razini. |
Sažetak (engleski) | This paper explores the greatest challenges in the management of entrepreneurial ventures in catering business on example from Zadar. The primary aim of the paper was to find out how entrepreneurs are dealing with the challenges they face and how to find solutions and answers. A theoretical and practical framework was developed to provide an overview of scientific and professional literature and public statistical data. For the empirical part, seven entrepreneurs, owners of small catering ventures (4-8 employees) in the city of Zadar (3 restaurants and 4 café bars) were interviewed. According to respondents, the biggest growth engine of small catering companies in Croatia are new technologies, as well as sociological and ethical factors, in spite of all the benefits of new technologies, personal and ethical relationship with the guests is still important. Following competition and new technology, all of the respondents want innovation, job expansion, and more profit. The major general problems they face are related to the arrangement of space, permits, taxes and various other state fees. As professional caterers and experienced entrepreneurs, they regularly keep records of revenue and liabilities because they consider this to be the most important part of their business, and their time spent locally directly influences the success of the business and the level of profit. They argue that entrepreneurial life is adventurous and interesting, though often difficult, anxious, and unpredictable, but does not point out personal problems. Strongly, they include organization, long-standing experience, resourcefulness, persistence, communication, but there is always room for further education. All respondents have a very good relationship with employees but are only viable at the business level. |