Sažetak | Ubrzan razvoj informacijsko-komunikacijske tehnologije nudi nove načine stvaranja i
širenja informacija različitih oblika. Ključnu ulogu pri tome imaju društvene mreže jer
svojim korisnicima omogućuju komunikaciju, razmjenjivanje raznih sadržaja te brojne
druge mogućnosti u bilo koje vrijeme. Po svemu sudeći društvene mreže su trenutno
najposjećenije stranice na internetu, te se istima služi stotine milijuna ljudi. Društvene
mreže samo su jedan od alata koji predstavlja nove oblike komunikacije, uveliko su
značajne u influencer marketingu jer unaprjeđuju komuniciranje i utječu na promjene
u društvu. U prvome dijelu ovoga rada teorijski je obrađen pojam i povijest
manipulativne komunikacije. U radu se također definira i povijest propagande, tehnike
propagande i spina te se razmatraju i analiziraju zakoni u Hrvatskoj vezani uz
influencere i kozmetičku industriju. Potom se objašnjava komunikacija na društvenim
mrežama i njihov značaj u influencer marketingu. U središtu istraživanja nalazi se
društvena mreža – Instagram, upravo zato što je jedna od popularnijih među mlađim
generacijama. Zatim je dan teorijski uvid u nastanak influencer marketinga i ulogu
samih influencera u kozmetičkoj industriji. Budući da je glavni cilj rada bio utvrditi
vjerodostojnost objava odabranih influencerica koje promoviraju kozmetiku na
Instagramu, provedena su dva istraživanja. Pri tome, korištena je kvantitativna i
kvalitativna metoda ispitivanja. U radu se nastojao utvrditi razlog zbog kojega
ispitanice, koje su sudjelovale u istraživanju ovoga rada, prate beauty influencerice.
Uzorak je činilo 165 korisnica Instagrama, Y i Z generacije, iz Republike Hrvatske.
Pored toga, težilo se otkriti jesu li spremne kupiti određeni kozmetički proizvod koji
promoviraju beauty influencerice unatoč tome što je naznačeno da je riječ o plaćenom
partnerstvu te koliko često pretražuju informacije o kozmetičkim proizvodima, upravo
na Instagram profilima beauty influencerica. Danas je teško utvrditi promovira li
influencer/ica određeni proizvod/uslugu zbog toga što mu/joj se uistinu svidio i kvalitete
istoga ili prvenstveno zbog toga što je plaćen/a da to čini. |
Sažetak (engleski) | The rapid development of information and communication technology offers new ways
of creating and disseminating information in various forms. Social networks play a key
role in this, as they enable their users to communicate, exchange various contents
and numerous other possibilities at any time. By all accounts, social networks are
currently the most visited sites on the Internet, and are used by hundreds of millions
of people. Social networks are only one of the tools that represent new forms of
communication, they are very important in influencer marketing because they improve
communication and influence changes in society. In the first part of this work, the
concept and history of manipulative communication is theoretically treated. The paper
also defines the history of propaganda, propaganda techniques and spin, and the laws
in Croatia related to influencers and the cosmetics industry are considered and
analysed. Also, communication on social networks and their importance in influencer
marketing is explained. At the centre of the research is the social network - Instagram,
precisely because it is one of the most popular among the younger generations.
Further, a theoretical insight into the origin of influencer marketing and the role of
influencers in the cosmetics industry is given. Since the main goal of the work was to
determine the credibility of the posts of selected influencers who promote cosmetics
on Instagram, two studies were conducted. Quantitative and qualitative testing
methods were used at the same time. The paper tried to determine the reason why
the respondents, who participated in the research of this paper, follow beauty
influencers. The sample consisted of 165 users of Instagram, Y and Z generation, from
the Republic of Croatia. In addition, the aim was to find out whether they are ready to
buy a specific cosmetic product promoted by beauty influencers, despite the fact that
it is a paid partnership, and how often they search for information about cosmetic
products, precisely on Instagram profiles of beauty influencers. Today, it is difficult to
determine whether an influencer is promoting a certain product/service because
he/she really likes it and its quality or primarily because he/she was paid to do so. |