Sažetak | Poduzetništvo se smatra generatorom gospodarskog razvitka jer otvara nova radna mjesta, utječe na povećanje BDP-a, kreira nove proizvode i usluge i poboljšava ukupni životni standard stanovništva, kako na lokalnoj, tako i na globalnoj razini. Iz navedenih razloga važno je ulagatoi u razvoj poduzetništva, a to se najčešće ostvaruje kroz poduzetnički ekosustav, platformu podrške za stvaranje i rast poduzeća. Istraživanje u ovom radu provedeno je s ciljem ispitivanja i analiziranja stavovova i percepcija ključnih dionika o poduzetničkom ekosustava u gradu Solinu. Istraživanje je provedeno u razdoblju od 27.11.2022. do 23.12.2022. godine, pri čemu je anketirano 36 solinskih poduzetnika te su provedeni intervjui sa šest predstavnika gradskih vlasti i četiri djelatnika poduzetničkih potpornih institucija. Kako bi se postigao cilj istraživanja ispitani su njihovi stavovi i percepcije o šest glavnih domena i 12 čimbenika poduzetničkog ekosustava prema Isenbergovom modelu. Rezultati su iskazani putem artimetičke sredine (M) i standardne devijacije (SD), a pokazuju da su poduzetnici najmanje zadovoljni stanjem u poduzetničkom ekosustavu Solina, (M ± SD = 2.86 ± 0.53), a djelatnici poduzetničkih potpornih institucija (M ± SD = 3.18 ± 0.71) i iskazali su srednju razinu zadovoljstva. Može se reći kako su potonji ujedno i najzadovoljniji slikom poduzetničkog ekosustava u Solinu. Općenito je najlošije ocjenjena domena ''Kultura'', a najbolje domena ''Politike prema poduzetništvu''. Premda broj poduzetnika u Solinu konstantno raste, rast nije produkt dobrih lokalnih politika razvoja već isključivo priljeva novog stanovništva iz susjednih gradova i općina koji potom registriraju gospodarske subjekte na svojim kućnim adresama. Porazna je činjenica da Solin nema adekvatnu poduzetničku potpornu instituciju, a osim toga, tek posljednjih nekoliko godina započeto je sa financijskom podrškom poduzetništvu. Premda ekosustav ima čitav niz pozitivnih, postoje i brojni negativni aspekti na kojima je potrebno raditi kako bi se poduzetnička slika dodatno unaprijedila. |
Sažetak (engleski) | Entrepreneurship is considered a generator of economic development because it creates new jobs, affects the increase in GDP, creates new products and services and improves the overall population living standard, both locally and globally. For the above reasons, it is important to invest in the enterpreneurship development, and this is most often achieved through the entrepreneurial ecosystem, a support platform for the creation and growth of companies. The research in this thesis was conducted with the aim of examining and analyzing the attitudes and perceptions of key stakeholders about the entrepreneurial ecosystem in the city of Solin. The research was conducted in the period from November 27, 2022 until December 23, 2022, during which 36 entrepreneurs were surveyed and interviews were conducted with six representatives of the city authorities and four representatives of entrepreneurial support institutions. In order to achieve the goal of the research, their attitudes and perceptions about six main domains and 12 factors of the entrepreneurial ecosystem based on Isenberg model were examined. The results are expressed through arithmetic mean (M) and standard deviation (SD), and show that entrepreneurs are the least satisfied with the state of the entrepreneurial ecosystem of Solina (M ± SD = 2.86 ± 0.53), and employees of entrepreneurial support institutions (M ± SD = 3.18 ± 0.71) and representatives of the city authorities (M ± SD = 3.48 ± 0.60) ) expressed a medium level of satisfaction. It can be said that the latter are also the most satisfied with the image of the entrepreneurial ecosystem in Solin. In general, the domain "Culture" is rated the worst, and the domain "Policy towards entrepreneurship" is the best. Although the number of entrepreneurs in Solin is constantly growing, the growth is not the product of good local development policies, but exclusively of the influx of new residents from neighboring towns and municipalities who then register businesses at their home addresses. It is a devastating fact that Solin does not have an adequate entrepreneurial support institution, and besides, financial support for entrepreneurship has only been started in the last few years. Although the ecosystem has a whole range of positives, there are also numerous negative aspects that need to be worked on in order to further improve the entrepreneurial image. |