Sažetak | Završni rad pod naslovom „Prilike i izazovi zapošljavanja osoba s invaliditetom na odabranim
primjerima hrvatskih poduzeća” pisan je iz potrebe za proučavanjem i analizom tržišta rada i
prilika koje na njemu ostvaruju osobe s invaliditetom, među kojima je i sama autorica. U teorijskom
okviru prikazane su prednosti i izazovi za zapošljavanje za osobu s invaliditetom te
prednosti i izazovi zapošljavanja osoba s invaliditetom za poslodavce. Zatim su prikazani statistički
podatci i primjeri dobre prakse o zapošljavanju osoba s invaliditetom u Republici Hrvatskoj,
Europi i u svijetu. Za primjer dobre prakse u Europi uzeto je poduzeće L’Oréal, za
svijet poduzeće Best Buy te za Hrvatsku poduzeće Kuehne & Nagel. U empirijskom istraživanju
autorica je provela ispitivanja u dva poduzeća koja zapošljavaju osobe s invaliditetom kako
bi se saznala njhova sklonost zapošljavanju takvih osoba i najčešći izazovi s kojima se pritom
susreću. U svakom poduzeću ntervjuirani su: poslodavac, osoba s invaliditetom, njezin nadređeni,
kolega i klijent. Rezultati su pokazali kako je najveća prednost prilikom zapošljavanja
osoba s invaliditetom osobno zadovoljstvo i dobrobit zbog usklađenosti s moralnim načelom
„Ponašaj se prema drugome onako kako bi želio da se drugi ponaša prema tebi“, dok su najveći
izazovi vrijeme potrebno za samu prilagodbu, obuka za radno mjesto te potreban sustav
podrške. Najveći izazovi su vrijeme potrebno za samu prilagodbu, osposobljavanje za radno
mjesto i potreban sustav podrške. Stoga bi preporuka za praksu bila da studenti slobodno kontaktiraju
anketirane tvrtke, jer od njih se zaista može puno naučiti i rado primaju studente na
stručnu praksu, posebice osobe s invaliditetom.
Nakon odrađene stručne prakse u ovim tvrtkama i naravno završenog fakulteta, nude i mogućnost
stalnog zaposlenja, što je izuzetna prilika za prvi posao. Za daljnja istraživanja preporučuje
se staviti naglasak na istraživanje prednosti i izazova zapošljavanja za samu osobu s
invaliditetom budući da je to dosta neistraženo područje te je teško pronaći potrebnu literaturu. |
Sažetak (engleski) | The final paper under the title "Opportunities and challenges of employment of persons with
disabilities based on selected examples of Croatian companies" was written out of the need to
study and analyze the labor market and the opportunities that people with disabilities among
them is the author herself. The theoretical framework presents the advantages and challenges
of employment for disabled persons and the advantages and challenges of employment of
disabled persons for employers. Then the statistical data and examples of good practice on the
employment of persons with disabilities in the Republic of Croatia, Europe and the world are
presented. As an example of good practice in Europe, the company L'Oréal was taken, for the
world - Best Buy and for Croatia Kuehne & Nagel firm. In empirical research, the author
conducted tests in two companies that employ people with disabilities in order to find out their
tendency to employ such people and the most common challenges they face. In each company,
the following persons were interviewed: the employer, a person with a disability, his or her
superior, a colleague and a client. The results showed that the biggest advantage when
employing people with disabilities is personal satisfaction and well-being due to compliance
with the moral principle: "Treat others as you would like others to treat yourself." The biggest
challenges are the time needed for the adaptation itself, training for the workplace and the
necessary support system. Therefore, the recommendations for practice would be for students
to contact interviewed companies freely, because you can really learn a lot from them and they
gladly accept students for professional practice, especially people with disabilities. After
completing professional practice in these companies and, of course, finishing university, they
also offer the possibility of permanent employment, which is an exceptional opportunity for a
first job. For further research, it is recommended to put an emphasis on researching the
advantages and challenges of employment for the person with a disability, because it is a rather
unexplored area, and it is difficult to find the necessary literature. |