Sažetak | Tema rada bila je lutkarstvo kao umjetnost koja je stara kao i teatar, ako ne i starija, mada je neki teoretičari vide kao dio teatra. U radu se kroz transmedijski projekt koji je obuhvatio scenarij za film, teorijsku obradu lutkarstva kao umjetnosti i predmeta znanstvenog proučavanja, internet podcaste o lutkarstvu i web stranice, željelo pokazati koliko je ta umjetnost zapostavljena, posebno pojavom novih medija kao što su film i televizija. Uz to namjera je bila razjasniti stereotip kako je lutkarstvo namijenjeno samo djeci. Podaci za rad su prikupljeni preko osobnog iskustva studentice koja se bavila lutkarstvom, izrađivala lutke i bila animator i glumac u lutkarskim produkcijama, kao i preko stručne literature čiji su izvor knjige i internet. Rezultat istraživanja je doveo do zaključka da je lutkarstvo ozbiljna i složena umjetnost prisutna od davnina u svim dijelovima svijeta i u svim civilizacijama bez obzira je li sadržajem produkcije namijenjena djeci ili odraslima. Zaključno je istaknuto da je lutkarstvo kao umjetnost i lutkarska produkcija izvedena pred publikom na pozornici, lutkarskom teatru ili drugom okruženju, rijetka suvremena umjetnost koja nastaje kao stvarni rezultat ljudskog rada od početka, pa do kraja bez tehnološko-informatičke pomoći koja stvara lažnu stvarnost. Preporuka koju je za lutkarstvo dala studentica je daljnje poticanje ljudi da se vrate lutkarstvu, posebno odraslih, te djeci u razvojnom procesu kao način druženja i otklona od opčinjenosti suvremenim medijima (internet, društvene mreže) kao i pomoć u odgoju i obrazovanju. |
Sažetak (engleski) | The topic of the paper is puppetry as an art that is as old as theatre, if not older, although some theorists see it as an integral part of theatre. Through a transmedia project that included a film script, a theoretical treatment of puppetry as an art and a subject of scientific study, Internet podcasts about puppetry and websites, the aim of the paper was to show how neglected this art has become, especially as new media such as film and television emerged. On top of that, the intention was to offer another view beyond the stereotype that puppetry is intended only for children. The data for the work were collected through personal experience of the student who was engaged in puppetry, who made puppets, who worked as an animator and actor in puppet productions, as well as from academic literature relying on books and the Internet as a source of information. The results of such research led to the conclusion that puppetry is a serious and very complex art that has been present since ancient times in all parts of the planet and in all ancient and new civilizations, regardless of whether the content of the production is intended for children or adults. In the conclusion it is pointed out that puppetry as an art, and puppet production performed in front of an audience on a stage, a puppet theatre or in some other environment, is a rare contemporary art that is created as a real result of human work from the very beginning to the end, with no technological or IT tools that create a false reality. The recommendation given by the author regarding puppetry is to further encourage people to return to puppetry, especially for adults, and for children in various development stages, as a way to socialize and to move away from the fascination with modern technical gadgets, as well as to provide support in the spheres of education and health. |