Sažetak | Ovaj završni rad bavi se analizom virtualnog i stvarnog identiteta pojedinca. Cilj istraživanja je usporediti ova dva identiteta te razumjeti njihove razlike. Teorijski dio rada dotiče se interneta, društvenih mreža, utjecajnog marketinga i identiteta sa sociološke i psihološke perspektive. Istraživački dio rada se provodi kroz dubinske intervjue i analizom sadržaja na društvenim mrežama. Dubinski intervju proveden je sa sedam ispitanika. Analiza sadržaja provedena je u vremenskom razdoblju od jedne godine pri čemu su analizirane ukupno 164 objave. Svrha intervjua je bolji uvid, te analiza razlika i sličnosti ova dva identiteta, te analiza motivacije, slike o sebi i razlike u socijalnom životu ispitanika u virtualnom i svakodnevnom okruženju, dok je svrha analize sadržaja bila provjeriti utemeljenost danih odgovora dubinskim intervjuom, te otkriti obrasce koji potencijalno nisu bili otkriveni.
Prema istraživanjima zaključuje se kako ispitanici najviše koriste Instagram. Najčešća motivacija objavljivanja sadržaja je želja prikazivanja sadržaja užem krugu ljudi kao i izražavanje kreativnosti. Sadržaj koji se objavljuje većinski je afirmativan. Ispitanici najčešće objavljuju sebe, putovanja i vlastita postignuća. Zaključuje se da brojevi (lajkovi i komentari) na društvenim mrežama, znatno utječu na samoprocjenu i samopouzdanje u stvarnom životu. Također, ispitanici ne prikazuju autentičan društveni život, točnije stvarni socijalni aspekt prikazuju u manjem intenzitetu. Ispitanici objavljuju većinom sebe (66%), dok se sadržaj s bliskim osobama pronalazi u postotku od (26%). Skoro svi rezultati dubinskog intervjua potvrđeni su provedenom kvantitativnom analizom.
Analizom sadržaja prikupljeni su kvantitativni podaci o upotrebi platformi, objavama, motivaciji, formatima objava i estetici, dok je dubinski intervju donio kvalitativne podatke o percepciji identiteta, motivaciji, samopouzdanju i razlikama u prikazanom društvenom životu. |
Sažetak (engleski) | This dissertation focuses on investigating the analysis of an individual's virtual and real identity. The primary objective of this research is to explore the differences between a person's virtual and personal. The initial section of the study is theoretical and delves into topics such as the internet, the influence of social media, influencer marketing, and addresses questions related to identity from both sociological and psychological perspectives. In the research part of the study, data was collected through in-depth interviews and content analysis on social media. In-depth interviews were conducted with seven respondents. Content analysis was conducted over one year, encompassing 164 posts. The purpose of in-depth interviews was to gain better insights and analyze the differences and similarities between the virtual and real identities. It also aimed to analyze motivation, self-image, and differences in the social lives of respondents in virtual and daily surroundings. Meanwhile, the purpose of the content analysis was to verify the validity of responses obtained from the in-depth interviews. Based on the conducted research, it can be concluded that the respondents predominantly use Instagram. In the analysis of motivation, the most prevalent incentive for posting is the desire to showcase content to a close people, and the expression of personal creativity. The content is mostly affirmative. Respondents most frequently post about themselves, their travels, and personal achievements. When assessing self-confidence, based on the research, it can be inferred that the number of likes and comments achieved on social media significantly impacts their self-confidence in real life. An examination of differences in social life between the virtual and real worlds revealed that respondents do not genuinely portray an authentic social life. All respondents claim to present their real social life as being less intense than it actually is. Respondents predominantly post about themselves (66%), while content involving close individuals are posted in 26% of cases. Nearly all results from the in-depth interviews were confirmed through the conducted quantitative analysis.
The content analysis of social media platforms yielded quantitative data regarding platform usage, posts, motivation, post formats, and aesthetics. Conversely, the in-depth interviews provided qualitative data regarding respondents' perceptions of virtual and real identity, motivation, self-confidence, and differences in social life between virtual and real environments. |