Sažetak | Ovim radom istraženo je kako poduzetnici preživljavaju poslovni neuspjeh i postoji li stručna potpora u Hrvatskoj. Problem istraživanja je činjenica da sve više poduzeća propadne nego što opstane. Kad poduzeće propadne, poduzetnik se teško nosi s time, i u tom trenutku mu je osim podrške najbližih često potrebna i stručna pomoć. Danas je u Hrvatskoj teško pronaći stručnu potporu. Primarni cilj rada bio je utvrditi kako se poduzetnici nose s poslovnim neuspjehom i kako su se odlučili na drugu šansu. U izradi rada koristile su se sljedeće metode - metode istraživanja: pregled znanstvene i stručne literature, eksplorativno istraživanje i dubinski intervju. Rezultati istraživanja ukazuju da se poduzetnici teško nose s propašću poduzeća i da im je od velikog značaja potpora obitelji. Pola poduzetnika nisu upoznati s nikakvim oblicima stručne potpore u Hrvatskoj, dok polovica jest, no nisu je koristili. Razlozi zbog kojih je nisu koristili su da ne vide nikakvu koristi od toga. Svi ispitani poduzetnici ostvarili su drugu šansu u Hrvatskoj, dok je jedan četvrtu. Najvažniji motivatori koji su ih poticali na drugu šansu su: supruga, duhovni razvoj, kolege koje su prošli sličnu situaciju, otac jer je njegovo poduzeće naslijedio, te obitelj koju treba prehraniti jer je bio bez posla. Može se zaključiti da je stručna potpora potrebna u Hrvatskoj u psihološkom, pravnom i edukativnom obliku, i da bi trebala biti dostupna svim poduzetnicima kad dožive propast poduzeća. Da bi se to omogućilo potrebne su prevencija aktivnosti i aktivnosti prepoznavanja ranih simptoma. Ona bi trebala obuhvaćati psihološku, pravnu i edukativnu granu. Na taj način bi se pomoglo poduzetnicima i potaknulo ih da ne odustanu i ostvare drugu šansu. |
Sažetak (engleski) | In this paper, it was investigated how entrepreneurs survive business failure, and whether professional support exists in Croatia. The problem lies in the fact that more companies fail, than survive, after five years, and that causes fear of entrepreneurship. When a business fails, it is difficult for an entrepreneur to deal with that, and in that situation, apart from the support of their close ones, entrepreneurs often require expert assistance, and professional support is difficult to find in Croatia. The primary goal of this paper was to find out how entrepreneurs deal with business failure and how they decided to take a second chance. The following methods were used: research methods: an overview of scientific and professional literature, exploratory research and an in-depth interview. The research results suggest that entrepreneurs are having difficulties when dealing with business failure and that the support of their families is of great importance. Half of entrepreneurs are not familiar with professional support in Croatia, while the other half is, but have never used it. The reason why they have not used is because they could not see any benefit from it. All of the surveyed entrepreneurs realized another chance in Croatia, while one of them realised the fourth one. The most important means of surviving failure and finding motivation for the second chance are: their wife, spiritual development, colleagues who have been in a similar situation, their father because the company was inherited, and the need to feed their family. It can be concluded that expert support is needed in Croatia and that it should be available to all entrepreneurs when they experience failure of their business. It should include psychological, legal and educational support. In this way, they would help entrepreneurs and encourage them not to give up and to take a second chance. |