Sažetak | Zadatak ovog specijalističkog diplomskog stručnog rada bio je analizirati načine pružanja odgovarajuće podrške stanarima Tehnološkog parka Varaždin te izložiti preporuke čija bi implementacija poboljšala njegov rad, odnosno dala bolji uvid u potrebe stanara i, posljedično, bolju ponudu odgovarajućih usluga. Na temelju pregleda literature i definiranja teoretske podloge iz područja poduzetništva, poduzetničkih inkubatora i tehnoloških parkova, proučene su usluge koje se pružaju stanarima poslovnih subjekata. Nadalje, predstavljena su tri primjera dobre prakse (Poduzetnički inkubator „Izazov“ iz Pule, Poduzetnički inkubator BIOS iz Osijeka te Poduzetnički inkubator Osvit iz Donjeg Miholjca) te je detaljno predstavljen Tehnološki park Varaždin. Nakon toga, provedeno je empirijsko istraživanje koje se sastojalo od intervjuiranja Karla Kukeca, direktora Tehnološkog parka, te anketiranja stanara Tehnološkog parka Varaždin, čime se došlo do važnih spoznaja o korištenju ponuđenih usluga. Primjerice, stanari najviše koriste usluge mentorstva, pomoć pri pronalaženju i korištenju usluga financiranja, subvencije najma te edukacije i raznih radionica. Anketiranjem stanara potvrđeno je njihovo zadovoljstvo uslugom i kvalitetom usluge, ali i utvrđeno da ima još mjesta za napredak. Rad završava preporukama za poboljšanje usluga Tehnološkog parka Varaždin, uključujući uvođenje redovnih razgovora stanara sa zaposlenicima Tehnološkog parka Varaždin u cilju povećanja informiranosti zaposlenika o stanju poslovanja stanara i njihovim potrebama. Osim toga, predlaže se i povećanje kapaciteta Tehnološkog parka, koje bi se moglo realizirati kroz javno-privatno partnerstvo. |
Sažetak (engleski) | The task of this diploma thesis was to analyze ways to provide appropriate support to residents of the Technology Park Varaždin and set out recommendations, the implementation of which would improve its work, i.e. provide a better insight into the needs of residents and, consequently, a better offer of appropriate services. Based on the review of the literature and the definition of the theoretical basis in the field of entrepreneurship, business incubators, and technology parks, the services provided to tenants of business entities were studied. Furthermore, three examples of good practice were presented (Poduzetnički inkubator „Izazov“ from Pula, Poduzetnički inkubator BIOS from Osijek and Poduzetnički inkubator Osvit from Donji Miholjac), and the Technology Park Varaždin was presented in detail. After that, empirical research was conducted, which consisted of interviewing the director of the Technology Park, Karlo Kukec, and surveying the residents of the Technology Park Varaždin, and thus gained important insights into the use of services offered. For example, tenants mostly use mentoring services, assistance in finding and using financing services, rental subsidies, education, and various workshops. The survey of tenants confirmed their satisfaction with the service and the quality of service but also determined that there is still room for improvement. The paper concludes with recommendations for improving the services of the Technology Park Varaždin, including the introduction of regular interviews of tenants with employees of the Technology Park Varaždin in order to increase employee awareness of the state of business tenants and their needs. In addition, it is proposed to increase the capacity of the Technology Park which could be realized through a public-private partnership. |