Sažetak | Svjetski automobilski sektor doživio je dramatičan rast specijalizacije opskrbnog lanca posljednjih desetljeća. Tehnološki napredak i pad trgovinskih troškova doveli su do sve veće fragmentacije proizvodnje u europskom automobilskom sektoru, pri čemu se različite faze proizvodnje često odvijaju u različitim zemljama. Iako je to dovelo do značajnog povećanja učinkovitosti i produktivnosti, proizvodne procese je također učinilo ranjivijim na poremećaje u lancu opskrbe, što je pojava pandemije, odnosno krize i pokazala. Međutim, pandemija je snažno utjecala na gotovo sve industrije, uključujući i automobilsku, pri čemu su proizvođači bili prisiljeni gasiti svoju proizvodnju radi nedostatka resursa ili pak zaštite svojih zaposlenika. Utjecaj COVID-19 krize, zajedno s posljedičnom ekonomskom krizom, rezultirao je smanjenjem zahtjeva kupaca u kratkom roku, što je dovelo do smanjenje proizvodnje i prodaje novih vozila te do odgode plaćanja ostalim dionicima. Stoga, svrha rada je bila prikazati promjene u automobilskoj industriji u svojoj povijesti, a posebice uslijed krize uzrokovane COVID-19 virusom 2020. godine. Slijedom toga, glavni cilj rada bio analizirati posljedice COVID-19 krize na automobilsku industriju. Naposljetku, rad je ukazao na snažno smanjenje broja prodanih automobila u svijetu u 2020. godini. Također, osim same prodaje, pandemija je posebno utjecala na opskrbne lance radi raznih restrikcija, odnosno zabrana, ali i nestašice određenih komponenti. Rad je pokazao i da su razna ograničenja prometa, odnosno karantene, imale negativan učinak na funkcioniranje međunarodnog lanca opskrbe, ograničavanje poslovanja i naposljetku smanjenje prihoda u gotovo svim industrijama, a posebno automobilskoj. Naposljetku, rad je došao do zaključka kako će automobilske industrije u budućnosti svoj fokus staviti na uspostavljanje odgovarajućih mehanizama za smanjenje rizika, ali i na autonomne tehnologije koje bi stvarale konkurentsku prednost kroz održivost. |
Sažetak (engleski) | The global automotive sector has experienced a dramatic increase in supply chain specialization in recent decades. Technological advances and declining trade costs have led to increasing fragmentation of production in the European automotive sector, with different stages of production often taking place in different countries. Although this has led to a significant increase in efficiency and productivity, it has also made production processes more vulnerable to supply chain disruptions, as the emergence of a pandemic or crisis has shown. However, the pandemic had a strong impact on almost all industries, including the automotive industry, forcing manufacturers to shut down their production due to lack of resources or protection of their employees. The impact of the COVID-19 crisis, together with the consequent economic crisis, has resulted in a reduction in customer demand in the short term, leading to reduced production and sales of new vehicles and delayed payments to other stakeholders. Therefore, the purpose of the paper was to show the changes in the automotive industry in its history, especially due to the crisis caused by the COVID-19 virus in 2020. Consequently, the main goal of the paper was to analyze the consequences of the COVID-19 crisis on the automotive industry. Finally, the paper pointed to a sharp decline in the number of cars sold worldwide in 2020. Also, in addition to the sale itself, the pandemic has particularly affected supply chains due to various restrictions, ie bans, but also shortages of certain components. The paper also showed that various traffic restrictions, ie quarantines, had a negative effect on the functioning of the international supply chain, limiting business and ultimately reducing revenues in almost all industries, especially the automotive industry. Finally, the paper came to the conclusion that in the future the automotive industry will focus on establishing appropriate risk reduction mechanisms, but also on autonomous technologies that would create a competitive advantage through sustainability. |