Sažetak | Turizam značajno doprinosi gospodarskom razvoju zemlje i kao takav potiče
društveno-ekonomski i kulturni razvoj. Stoga, u mnogim gradovima, regijama i
zemljama turizam igra ključnu ulogu kao strateški stup BDP -a gospodarstva.
Međutim, ta industrija uvijek doživljava najteže posljedice kriza pa tako i krize
uzrokovane pandemijom COVID-19 koja je pogodila svijet početkom 2020. godine.
Stoga, cilj završnog rada bio je analizirati utjecaj pandemije na turističku djelatnost u
Republici Hrvatskoj, a kako bi se taj cilj izvršio, za primjer je uzet hotel Ilirija u Biogradu
na Moru.
Uspoređene su brojke u turizmu iz 2019. i 2020. godine te se ustanovilo kako je
pandemija COVID-19 utjecala na turističku industriju ponajprije ograničavajući
putovanja, odnosno putem smanjenja potražnje među putnicima. Pri tome, mnoge su
zemlje pa tako i Republika Hrvatska, uvele ograničenja putovanja u pokušaju da
obuzdaju njeno širenje.
Sa smanjenom mogućnošću putovanja, ograničenja su imala negativan gospodarski
utjecaj na turistički sektor u gotovo svim zemljama, odnosno regijama pa tako i na hotel
Ilirija koji je, usprkos svemu, uspio ostvariti profit u 2020. godini. Također, unatoč
djelomičnom otvaranju granica i ukidanju određenih mjera uslijed turističke sezone
2020. godine, turistička industrija u svijetu broji višemilijunske gubitke, dok se pad
dolazaka i noćenja turista u Republici Hrvatskoj bilježi u milijunima. |
Sažetak (engleski) | Tourism significantly contributes to the economic development of the country and as
such encourages socio-economic and cultural development. Therefore, in many cities,
regions and countries, tourism plays a key role as a strategic foundation of the
economy’s GDP. However, this industry is always experiencing the most severe
consequences of crises, including the crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic that
hit the world in early 2020. Therefore, the aim of the final work was to analyze the
impact of the pandemic on tourism in the Republic of Croatia, and in order to achieve
this goal, the Ilirija Hotel in Biograd na Moru was taken as an example. The figures in
tourism from 2019 and 2020 were compared and it was found that the COVID-19
pandemic affected the tourism industry primarily by limiting travel, ie by reducing
demand among passengers. At the same time, many countries, including the Republic
of Croatia, have introduced travel restrictions in an attempt to curb its spread. With
reduced travel opportunities, the restrictions had a negative economic impact on the
tourism sector in almost all countries and regions, including the Hotel Ilirija, which,
despite everything, managed to make a profit in 2020. Also, despite the partial opening
of borders and the abolition of certain measures due to the tourist season in 2020, the
tourism industry in the world has multimillion losses, while the decline in tourist arrivals
and overnight stays in the Republic of Croatia is recorded in the millions. |