Sažetak | Suvremeni turizam obilježava brz razvitak i pružanje raznih usluga koje korisnik, u ovom slučaju turist, zahtijeva. Naime, turizam se mijenja u korak s vremenom i postaje sve maštovitiji u cilju udovoljenja turistima. Stoga je potrebno osmisliti turistički proizvod koji udovoljava potrebama turista, a u vidu toga, ruralni turizam je poprimio razne oblike kako bi se približio turistima. Ruralni turizam je vrsta turističke djelatnosti u kojoj je posjetiteljevo iskustvo povezano sa širokim spektrom proizvoda koji su općenito povezani s prirodnim aktivnostima, poljoprivredom, ruralnim načinom života, kulturom, ribolovom, razgledavanjem i ostalim aktivnostima.
Hvar je jedan od najpopularnijih hrvatskih otoka sa svojih 2800 sunčanih sati godišnje. Takva mediteranska klima pogoduje za uzgoj i rast maslina, loze, lavande, ali i začinskih biljaka. Poznati lanci hotela, privlačne plaže i bogat noćni život, kao i kulturno naslijeđe, osigurali su Hvaru status jedne od modernijih destinacija i one koja privlači bogate inozemne turiste, što svakako ostavlja prostora za razvoj novih oblika turizma, primjerice ruralnog.
Iz tog razloga, svrha završnog rada bila je definirati pojam turizma, odnosno ruralnog turizma, ali i njegovih oblika i različitih aktivnosti koje generira. Glavni cilj rada bazira se na analizi razvoja ruralnog turizma na otoku Hvaru, kao i trenutačnog stanja pojedinih oblika ruralnog turizma na tom otoku. Za potrebe rada provedeno je istraživanje kojim su se sakupila mišljenja ispitanika o kvaliteti postojećeg aspekta ruralnog turizma i turizma općenito. Samo istraživanje, anketnim upitnikom, provedeno je putem Google obrasca, a u istraživanju su sudjelovala 102 ispitanika, mahom stanovnika otoka Hvara. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da ruralni turizam predstavlja bitnu odrednicu turističkog razvoja otoka. Pokazalo se i kako mogućnost aktivnog boravka, ali i tradicije, prema ispitanicima predstavljaju najbitnije odrednice ruralnog turizma, a među spomenute se dodaju i gastronomski užici, a koje otok Hvar može pružiti. |
Sažetak (engleski) | Modern tourism is characterized by rapid development and transformation into various services that the user, in this case the tourist, requires. Namely, tourism is changing over time and is becoming more imaginative in order to satisfy tourists. Therefore, it is necessary to design a tourism product that meets the needs of tourists, and in view of this, rural tourism has taken various forms in order to get closer to tourists. Rural tourism is a type of tourism activity in which the visitor's experience is associated with a wide range of products that are generally associated with natural activities, agriculture, rural lifestyle, culture, fishing, sightseeing and other activities.
Hvar is one of the most popular Croatian islands with its 2800 hours of sunshine a year. Such a Mediterranean climate is conducive to the cultivation and growth of olives, vines, lavender, but also spices. Famous hotel chains, attractive beaches and rich nightlife, as well as cultural heritage, have secured Hvar the status of one of the most modern destinations and one that attracts rich foreign tourists, which certainly leaves room for the development of new forms of tourism, such as rural.
For this reason, the purpose of the final work was to define the concept of tourism, or rural tourism, but also its forms and the various activities it generates. The main goal of the paper is based on the analysis of the development of rural tourism on the island of Hvar, as well as the current state of certain forms of rural tourism on that island. For the purpose of the goal, a survey was conducted to gather the opinions of respondents on the quality of the existing aspect of rural tourism and tourism in general. The survey itself, with a questionnaire, was conducted via the Google form, and 102 respondents participated in the survey, mostly residents of the island of Hvar. It turned out that the respondents believe that rural tourism is an important determinant of tourism development in the Republic of Croatia, which is a fertile ground for its development on the island. It was also shown that the possibility of active stay, but also tradition, according to the respondents are the most important determinants of rural tourism, and among the mentioned are added gastronomic delights, which the island of Hvar can provide. |