Sažetak | U franšiznom poslovanju tvrtka licencira svoje zaštitne znakove i dokazane poslovne metode drugima u zamjenu za određenu cijenu, odnosno postotak bruto prodaje ili fiksnu naknadu. Tvrtka koja licencira svoje zaštitne znakove i metode naziva se davatelj franšize, dok se pojedinac koji plaća upotrebu zaštitnih znakova i metoda davatelja franšize naziva primateljem franšize. Franšizni lanac brze hrane Domino's, svoj prvi restoran otvorio je u Zagrebu 2020. godine pa se samim time postavilo pitanje njegove uspješnosti na hrvatskom tržištu. Iz tog razloga, svrha završnog rada bila je prikazati stanje franšiznih lanaca brze hrane u Republici Hrvatskoj. Što se ciljeva tiče, kao jedan od ciljeva bio je postaviti i analizirati teorijski okvir franšiznog koncepta kao strategije rasta, kao i trendove u području brze hrane s naglaskom na Republiku Hrvatsku. Također, kao cilj postavlja se analiza potencijalnog uspjeha franšiznog lanca Domino's na hrvatskom tržištu te je provedeno istraživanje, odnosno anketni upitnik. Cilj istraživanja je bio saznati iskustva ispitanika s franšiznim restoranima brze hrane, a kao cilj se postavlja i saznavanje njihove percepcija, odnosno mišljenja o potencijalu širenja lanca brze hrane u Republici Hrvatskoj, s naglaskom na franšizni lanac Domino's. Samo istraživanje anketnim upitnikom provedeno je putem društvenih mreža, a u istraživanju su sudjelovala 184 ispitanika. Shodno navedenome, svrha istraživanja bila je dati preporuku lancu Domino's o njihovom proširenju na neka druga mikrotržišta, odnosno proširenju ponude, kako u Zagrebu, tako i u Republici Hrvatskoj. Pokazalo se kako ispitanici imaju pozitivan stav o brzoj hrani te da su najprivrženiji franšiznom lancu McDonald's. Također, gotovo polovica ispitanika predviđa uspjeh lanca na hrvatskom tržištu, a zamijećeno je i da su ispitanici otvoreni prema novim sudionicima tržišta na području brze hrane pa navedeno predstavlja svojevrsnu osnovu za otvaranje dodatnih lokacija. Naposljetku, hrana zapravo čini manje od 15% svih franšiza u Republici Hrvatskoj, a navedeno rezultira poprilično uskom nišom za uspjeh poduzeća. Također, tradicionalni restorani povremene i brze hrane u kojima se hrana poslužuje za stolovima zabilježili su nagli pad u slučaju mlađe populacije, a gdje Domino's može iskoristiti priliku s obzirom na svoj način poslovanja, odnosno pružanja usluge. |
Sažetak (engleski) | In franchising, a company or legal entity licenses its trademarks and proven business methods to others in exchange for a certain price, ie a percentage of gross sales or a fixed fee. The company that licenses its trademarks and methods is called the franchisor, while the individual who pays for the use of the franchisor’s trademarks and methods is called the franchisee. The fast food franchise chain Domino's opened its first restaurant in Zagreb in 2020, so at the same time the question of its success on the Croatian market was raised.
For this reason, the purpose of the final work was to show the state of fast food franchise chains in the Republic of Croatia. As for the goals, one of the goals was to set and analyze the theoretical framework of the franchise concept as a growth strategy, as well as trends in the field of fast food with an emphasis on the Republic of Croatia. Also, the goal is to analyze the potential success of the Domino's franchise chain on the Croatian market, and the research, ie the survey questionnaire, has been proven. The aim of the research was to find out the experiences of respondents with franchise fast food restaurants, and the goal was to set and find out their perception, ie opinion on the potential of expanding the fast food chain in the Republic of Croatia, with emphasis on the Domino's franchise chain. The research itself, with a survey questionnaire, was proven through social networks, and 184 respondents participated in the research. Accordingly, the purpose of the research was to give a recommendation to the Domino's chain on their expansion to other micro markets, ie the expansion of the offer, both in Zagreb and in the Republic of Croatia. Respondents were found to have a positive attitude about fast food and to be most attached to the McDonald's franchise chain. Also, almost half of the respondents predicts the success of the chain on the Croatian market and it was noticed that the respondents are open to new market participants in the field of fast food, so this is a kind of basis for opening the additional locations.
Finally, food actually makes up less than 15% of all franchises in the Republic of Croatia, and this results in a rather narrow niche for a successful company. Also, traditional occasional and fast food restaurants where food is served at the tables have recorded a sharp decline in the case of the younger population, where Domino's can take the opportunity given its way of doing business, ie providing services. |