Abstract | Tvrtka Euromusic agency d.o.o. osnovana je 1991. godine. Sve je krenulo kao glazbena
menadžerska agencija, koja se bavila dogovaranjem koncerata za estradne pjevače i pjevačice.
Nakon nekoliko godina putem slučajnosti pokazalo se da ti pjevači, bendovi, klubovi imaju i
potrebu za nekim glazbenim instrumentima te je tako došlo do ideje da se tvrtka počinje baviti
i prodajom glazbenih instrumenata. Od tog trenutka kad je tvrtka krenula iz garaže pa do
danas poslovni pokazatelji ukazuju da je ovdje 19 zaposlenih, 6 vlastitih poslovnica, veliko
skladište te online prodaja.
Provedeno istraživanje ostavilo je prostor sudionicima da iznesu svoja mišljenja, prijedloge za
daljnje poboljšanje usluga tvrtke, te eventualne primjedbe i komentare. Najviše njih pozitivno
se izrazilo o općem dojmu poslovanja. usluga i ljubaznosti osoblja najčešće komentarom:
“sve je super i ostanite dalje najbolji“ ili „sve je za 5“, no bilo je i sugestija da se web stranica
češće ažurira i učini još preglednijom, te da se poveća prisutnost tvrtke na društvenim
mrežama. Uočen je i zanimljiv prijedlog da se organizira klub kupaca, koji će na temelju
dosadašnje kupnje skupljati bodove koji će im omogućiti određene popuste pri sljedećim
kupnjama, a dugogodišnjim kupcima klub bi uručio određene simbolične poklone. Također je
predloženo da se u sklopu prodajnih mjesta tvrtke omogući poseban prostor, zvučno izoliran,
za mogućnost isprobavanja instrumenata prije odluke o kupnji. Jedna od sugestija je i da se
proširi asortiman proizvoda poznatih marki (Fender, Gibson , Taylor itd.). Što se tiče
komunikacije tvrtke sa postojećim kupcima i privlačenje novih i to u samim prodajnim
centrima, kao i online putem web stranice i društvenih mreža, ta komunikacija uglavnom je
ocjenjena visokom ocjenom.
Prosječna ocjene iz svih pitanja ankete, vezano uz kvalitetu te komunikacije je zavidnih 4,38.
( ocjene od jedan do pet).
Također je, što je i pokazala anketa, visoko ocjenjena profesionalnost, stručnost i ljubaznost
zaposlenog osoblja. |
Abstract (english) | Euromusic agency d.o.o. was founded in 1991. It all started as a music management agency,
dealing with arranging concerts for pop singers and singers. After a few years, it happened by
chance that these singers, bands, clubs also needed some musical instruments, and so the idea
came up that the company was also starting to sell musical instruments. From the moment the
company moved out of the garage to the present day, business figures indicate that there are
19 employees here, 6 own outlets, a large warehouse and online sales.
The survey left room for participants to express their opinions, suggestions for further
improvement of the company's services, and any comments and comments. Most of them
spoke positively about the overall impression of the business. services and courtesy of the
staff are most often commented: “everything is great and stay on the best” or “everything is
for 5”, but there were suggestions that the web site would be updated more frequently and
made even more transparent and that the company would have increased its presence on
social networks. There was also an interesting proposal to organize a customer club, which
would collect points based on their purchases so far, which would allow them certain
discounts on the next purchases, and would give the long-time customers with certain
symbolic gifts. It has also been suggested that a separate space, soundproofed, should be
provided within the company's outlets for the possibility of trying out the specimens prior to
the purchase decision. One of the suggestions is to expand the range of products of wellknown
brands (Fender, Gibson, Taylor, etc.). As far as the company communicates with its
existing customers and attracts new ones in the sales centers themselves, as well as online
through websites and social networks, this communication is generally rated highly.
The average rating from all survey questions, regarding the quality of that communication, is
an enviable 4.38. (grades one through five).
Also, as the survey showed, the highly rated professionalism, expertise and kindness of the
staff employed. |