Abstract | Sve popularniji trend zdravog života doveo je do povećanja potražnje za
zdravstvenim turizmom koji postaje i sve važniji motiv putovanja. S obzirom na
povećanje potražnje za zdravstvenim turizmom, ekološkim proizvodima te boravkom
u autohtonim sredinama rodila se ideja o otvaranju turističko-zdravstvenog centra u
blizini Karlovca. Ideja je obnoviti niz drvenih kućica na način da se koriste materijali
koji su ekološki prihvatljivi te da se istovremeno prati tradicionalna arhitektura gradnje
i dizajn. Koncept smještaja zamišljen je kao difuzni hotel, što znači da su smještajne
jedinice posebno odvojene od prostora iz kojeg se njima upravlja, a kapacitet
smještajnih jedinica odnosi se na150 ljudi. Na taj način će se svakom pojedincu
osigurat lakše i kvalitetnije pružanje cjelovitih usluga. Uz uslugu smještaja gostima bi
se pružala i usluga prehrane u restoranu koji bi u ponudi imao autohtona
tradicionalna hrvatska jela, ali i mogućnost pripreme jela ovisno prema zdravstvenim
potrebama gostiju. Uz to pružale bi se i zdravstvene usluge, tj. edukacije vezane uz
zdravlje i zdravstvene probleme gostiju te savjetovanja o načinima poboljšanja života,
prehrani, tjelovježbama itd. U radu je prikazan strateški komunikacijski plan kojim je
analizirano vanjsko i unutrašnje okruženje, definirane vizija i misija poslovanja,
postavljeni strateški i komunikacijski ciljevi, određene ciljne javnosti, komunikacijske
taktike i poruke. Prikazan je i financijski plan kojim se utvrdila profitabilnost i
isplativost pokretanja projekta. S obzirom na nepostojanje ovakvog turističkozdravstvenog
centra u Hrvatskoj, ali i sve veću zainteresiranost ljudi za zdravstveni
turizam i upoznavanje autohtonog načina života, pretpostavlja se da će potražnja za
ovakvom uslugom biti velika. |
Abstract (english) | The ever popular trend of healthy living has led to an increase in demand for health
tourism, which became an increasingly important motive for traveling. Given the
increasing demand for health tourism, ecological products and staying in indigenous
communities, the idea of opening a tourist-health center near Karlovac was born. The
idea is to renovate a series of wooden houses in such a way as to use
environmentally friendly materials and also following the concept of traditional
architecture and design. The concept of accommodation is conceived as a diffuse
hotel, which means that the accommodation units are separated from the space they
are managed by, and the capacity of accommodation units will not exceed 150
people. In this way, it will be easier and better to provide complete services to each
individual. With the service of the accommodation, the center will also offer food to its
guests in a restaurant which will have traditional Croatian dishes, as well as the
possibility of preparing dishes depending on the health needs of the guests. In
addition, health services will also be provided, i.e. education related to health and
health problems of guests, and counseling on ways of improving life, nutrition,
physical exercises, etc. The paper displays a strategic communication plan which
analyzes the external and internal environment, defines vision and mission of
business, sets strategic and communication goals, specifies target audience,
communication tactics and messages. A financial plan is also shown showing the
profitability and viability of the project. Considering the lack of such a tourist-health
center in Croatia, but also the increasing interest of people for health tourism and
getting acquainted with an indigenous lifestyle, it is assumed that demand for such a
service will be substantial. |