Abstract | U ovom radu ispitivali su se stavovi i percepcija ponašanja potrošača pri kupnji
kozmetike M∙A∙C. Dan je teorijski prikaz ponašanja potrošača i što sve utječe na
njih, također spoznaja o važnosti ulaženja u potrošačev mozak i što se time
dobiva, važnost te stavke kako bi se ušlo u samu srž potrošačevih želja i
potreba. Ispitana je važnost boja, mirisa, vida, okusa, dodira i zvuka u
marketingu, gdje se objašnjava svaka pojedinačno te koliko je bitno promotriti
svaku i uz optimalnu kombinaciju stvoriti savršeni doživljaj proizvoda i same
kupnje. Analizirani su stavovi potrošača i koliko oni utječu na samu privrženost
brendu ili obrnuto te koje su sve situacije koje mogu dovesti do pravog ili
pogrešnog stava o nekom proizvodi, usluzi ili cijelom poduzeću. Opisuje se sami
početak nastanka poduzeća M∙A∙C Cosmetics i njegov rast i probijanje na
tržište, kao i trenutna pozicija na tržištu. Također, ispituje se važnost trendova u
svijetu dekorativne kozmetike, tko ih pokreće i na kojim platformama, kao i
trendovi u Hrvatskoj. Metoda istraživanja bila je internetska anketa, koja se
provela na uzorku od 50 ispitanika. Istraživanjem se htjelo utvrditi koliko žena
zaista posvećuje pažnju šminki i šminkanju; također, koliko cijena utječe na
njihovu kupnju, gdje se povezuje s cijenama M∙A∙C-a, ali i cijene konkurencije.
Htjelo se saznati kakva je percepcija žena na M∙A∙C i njegovu konkurenciju.
Također, ispitivalo se koliko ispitanica koristi M∙A∙C proizvode i koje te kakvo je
njihovo mišljenje o njima nakon kupnje i korištenja proizvoda. Obrađen je i dio o
marci i koliko marka utječe na kupnju, ali i na sam status potrošača te je li ona
jedan od motiva za kupnju. Zatim je ispitano koji su motivi koji potiču na kupnju
kozmetike M∙A∙C te kakvo je mišljenje o samom brendu i njegovu položaju na
tržištu. Isto tako, u istraživanju je dio posvećen konkurenciji i drugim brendovima
dekorativne kozmetike, pa se ispituju stavovi o njima. Rezultati istraživanja
pokazali su da bez obzira na stav o visokim cijenama M∙A∙C proizvoda, potrošači
ih i dalje kupuju i koriste. Najveći naglasak je na tome da M∙A∙C ima iza sebe
dugogodišnju priču kao brend profesionalne kozmetike i jedan je od vodećih
brendova šminke na svjetskom tržištu. Naposljetku se spajaju teorijski dio i
istraživanje te slijedi zaključak što zaista utječe na ponašanje potrošača pri
kupnji kozmetike M∙A∙C. |
Abstract (english) | The main things which are discused are customer behavior and perception when
buying M∙A∙C Cosmetics products. The theoretical view on the customers and all
the elements which makes them buy something or not. The focus is the brain
and the thoughts which makes every buyer have their own needs and wishes.
The importance of colours, scents, looks, taste and touch in marketing are
making the perfect combination, when well combined, and the perfect shopping
experience. Consumer attitudes and how they affect brandedness or vice versa,
and what are all the situations that can lead to the right or wrong attitude about a
product, service, or the entire company. It describes itself as the beginning of
M∙A∙C Cosmetics's emergence and its growth and penetration into the market as
well as the current position on the market. Also the importance of trends in the
world of decorative cosmetics, who drives them and on which platforms. Trends
in the world, as well as trends in Croatia. The survey method was a online
survey that was conducted on a sample of 50 respondents. The research goal
was to determine how many women really pay attention to makeup and putting
makeup on. Also how much the price affects their purchase, where it's linked to
M∙A∙C prices, but also the price of the competition. It was important to find out
what the perception of women was on the M∙A∙C and his competition. They also
questioned how many respondents use M∙A∙C products and what, and what is
their opinion of them after purchasing and using the product. There is also a part
about the brand and how much the brand affects the purchase, but also the
consumer status itself, and whether it is one of the reasons for the purchase.
Then what are the reasons for buying a cosmetics M∙A∙C, and what is the
opinion of the brand itself and its position on the market. Likewise, in the
research, one part is dedicated to competition and other brands of decorative
cosmetics, so their attitudes are examined. The results of the research have
shown that regardless of the high cost of M∙A∙C products, consumers are still
buying and using them. The biggest emphasis is on M∙A∙C having behind its
long-standing story as a brand of professional cosmetics and one of the leading
brand-name makeup on the world market. Finally, joining the theoretical part and
research, as a conclusion that really affects the behavior of consumers when
purchasing cosmetics M∙A∙C. |