Abstract | Ovaj završni rad analizira isplativost ulaganja u izgradnju i najam apartmana u gradu Opatiji. Poznata pod različitim imenima poput „Stare dame“, „Bisera Jadrana“ ili „Kraljice turizma“. Turizam u Opatiji još uvijek zahtijeva nova ulaganja, a akcent je stavljen na povećanje smještajnog kapaciteta. Grad je usmjeren na turizam i raspolaže s preko 11.100 kreveta. Njezin povoljan geoprometni položaj predstavlja najbliži izlaz srednje Europe na Jadransko more. Udaljenost unutar 500 kilometara od europskih centara Milana, Beča, Minhena i Budimpešte, plavo more, povoljna klima, bujna vegetacija te blizina Rijeke koja je tada bila glavna luka ugarskog dijela austrougarske monarhije, najvažniji su razlozi naglog razvoja turizma krajem 19. i početkom 20. stoljeća. Stoga poduzetnici nije bilo teško doći do ideje o izgradnji apartmana s obzirom na vlastitu zemlju. Stoga će poduzetnica na zemljištu od 400 m2, izgraditi kuću s osam apartmana „Kapetan“. Ukupno ulaganje iznosit će 2.408.100 kuna od čega su kredit banke u iznosu od 1.000.000 kn i vlastiti kapital u iznosu od 1.408.100 kn. Poduzetnica će u cijelom vijeku poslovati likvidno i ostvariti dobit već od prve godine što je vidljivo iz računa dobiti i gubitka. Indeks profitabilnosti iznosi 1,01 što znači da će na kunu uloženog ostvariti 0,1 kn profita. Neto sadašnja vrijednost uz trošak kapitala od 8,90% je pozitivna. Temeljem financijskih pokazatelja te financijske analize koja potvrđuje projekt te ukazuje na isplativost, poduzetnica je odlučila pokrenuti poslovanje i uložiti u izgradnju apartmana. Turizam i njegove komplementarne djelatnosti su osnovna grana gospodarstva i razvoja grada Opatije od koje većina građana Opatije i živi. Nepobitna je važnost turizma za Opatiju i njezine stanovnike, ali je činjenica da je i za dobre rezultate u turizmu potrebno dosta rada, reda i ulaganja. |
Abstract (english) | This final paper analyses the viability of investing in building construction and renting apartments in Opatija, in speaking language known under different names such as "Old Lady", "Mediterranean pearl" or "Queen of Tourism". Speaking of tourism, Opatija still requires new investments, where the accent is placed on increasing accommodation capacity. City is focused on tourism and has over 11,100 bed capacity. Its advantageous geopolitical position represents the nearest passage of Central Europe to the Adriatic Sea. The range of distance within 500km between some of the most important European centres such as Milan, Vienna, Munich and Budapest; the crystal blue sea, favourable climate, lush vegetation and the proximity of Rijeka - which was, in the era, the main port of the Hungarian part of the Austro-Hungarian monarchy, are just some of the reasons that explain the rapid development of tourism at the end of 19th and early 20th century. Therefore, being aware of all of it, it was not difficult for entrepreneur to come up with the idea of building apartments always having in mind the country we are living at and what tourism represents to it. Consequently; on a plot of 400 m2, the entrepreneur will build a house with 8 apartments named "Kapetan". The total investment amount will be HRK 2,408,100, which from a bank loan in the amount of HRK 1,000,000 and own capital amounting of HRK 1,408,100. The entrepreneur will be liquidated throughout the entire year and earn profits since the first year with can be seen by the profit and loss account. The Profitability Index is 1.01, which means that the investor will have a 0.1 HRK of profit on every HRK invested. The net present value at a cost of capital of 8.90% is positive. Based on financial indicators and financial analysis that confirm the project and points out a profitability, the entrepreneur has decided to start the business and invest in the construction of apartments. Tourism and its complementary activities are the main branch of the economy and development for the city of Opatija, which from the most Opatija’s citizens live. Undeniable, there is an indispensable importance of tourism for Opatija and its inhabitants, but do not forget to underline the fact that behind good results in tourism is a lot of work, order and investment. |