Abstract | Utjecaj vode i prirode na ljudsko zdravlje potječe od postanka čovjeka, a već od doba antičkog Rimskog carstva provodi se ciljano kupanje u kupalištima i termama. Daljnja težnja poboljšanju zdravlja, ali i pristupu drugim zabavnim sadržajima van vlastitog mjesta prebivališta, vidljiva je u 18. i 19. stoljeću. Turizam karakterizira svrsishodno i željeno putovanje, većinom s ciljem ugode, rekreacije te doživljaja. Ranije se turizam većinom bazirao na zabavi, a proširenje ponude zdravstvenim turizmom omogućuje posjetiteljima poboljšanje vlastitog zdravlja ili, primjerice, znanja u sklopu kongresnog turizma. Novi oblici turizma, osim primarnog „sunca i mora“ upotpunjuju i decentraliziraju turističku ponudu te pružaju mogućnost cjelogodišnjeg poslovanja. Istra je najveći hrvatski poluotok, a ujedno i regija s iznimnim prirodnim blagodatima i povoljnim geopolitičkim položajem. Povijesno gledano, područje Istre i Kvarnera prve goste pristigle s ciljem liječenja, rehabilitacije i/ili sprječavanja bolesti, bilježi već početkom 20. stoljeća. Kroz završni rad nastoje se objediniti relevantni stručni i statistički podaci iz područja zdravstvenog turizma u Hrvatskoj, odnosno Istri. Korištenjem metode sustavnog pregleda literature, u radu se navodi detaljni opis pojma zdravstvenog turizma te dosadašnja primjena i daljnje mogućnosti za razvoj zdravstvenog turizma u Istri. |
Abstract (english) | The influence of water and nature on human health originates from the beginning of mankind, and since the time of the ancient Roman Empire, targeted bathing has been carried out in baths and thermal baths. A further aspiration to improve health, as well as access to other entertainment outside of one's own place of residence, is visible in the 18th and 19th centuries. Tourism is characterized by the desired travel, mostly with the aim of comfort, recreation, and experience. Previously, tourism was mostly based on entertainment, and the expansion of the health tourism offer, enables visitors to improve their own health or, for example, knowledge as a part of congress tourism. New forms of tourism, in addition to the primary "sun and sea", complete and decentralize the tourist offer and offer the possibility of year-round business. Istria is the largest Croatian peninsula and at the same time a region with exceptional natural benefits and a favourable geopolitical position. From the historical point of view, the area of Istria and Kvarner recorded the first guests who arrived with the aim of treatment, rehabilitation, and/or disease prevention, at the beginning of the 20th century. Through the final paper, an attempt is made to consolidate professional and statistically relevant data from the field of health tourism in Croatia, specifically Istria. By using the method of a systematic review of the literature, the paper provides a detailed description of the concept of health tourism, as well as its current application and further development opportunities in Istria. |