Kršlović, M. (2023). 'Fotografski rad: „8 18 28“', Undergraduate thesis, VERN University , accessed 11 March 2025,
Kršlović M. Fotografski rad: „8 18 28“ [Undergraduate thesis]. Zagreb: VERN University ; 2023 [cited 2025 March 11] Available at:
M. Kršlović, "Fotografski rad: „8 18 28“", Undergraduate thesis, VERN University , Zagreb, 2023. Available at:
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Fotografski rad: „8 18 28“
Marija Kršlović
Jasenko Rasol (mentor)
VERN University Zagreb
Defense date and country
2023-10-26, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline
FIELD OF ART Film Art (Film, Electronic and Media Art of Moving Pictures)
„8 18 28“ su tri serije fotografija koje zajedno tvore jedinstvenu priču koja istražuje duboke i raznolike aspekte ljudskih i životinjskih iskustava kroz različite teme, tehnike i stilove. Iako svaka serija ima svojstvenu temu i tehniku, zajedno tvore cjelinu koja naglašava priču, emociju i ljudske veze. Ove serije zajedno nas vode na putovanje kroz različite faze ljudskog života, podsjećajući nas na povezanost s prirodom, bliske odnose s drugima i važnost sjećanja na prošle trenutke. Autor nas potiče da promišljamo o različitim aspektima života i dublje se povežemo s različitim dimenzijama ljudskog iskustva. Ova tri serije fotografija zajedno čine bogatu i inspirirajuću priču o životu, ljubavi i uspomenama.
Abstract (english)
"8 18 28" are three series of photographs that together form a unique story that explores the deep and diverse aspects of human and animal experiences through different themes, techniques and styles. Although each series has its own theme and technique, together they form a whole that emphasizes story, emotion and human connections. Together, these series take us on a journey through the different stages of human life, reminding us of the connection with nature, close relationships with others and the importance of remembering past moments. The author encourages us to think about different aspects of life and connect more deeply with different dimensions of the human experience. Together, these three series of photographs form a rich and inspiring story of life, love and memories.
Title: Film, television and multimedia Study programme type: professional Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: prvostupnik/prvostupnica (bacccalaureus/baccalaurea) filmskog, televizijskog i multimedijskog oblikovanja (prvostupnik/prvostupnica (bacccalaureus/baccalaurea) filmskog, televizijskog i multimedijskog oblikovanja)