Abstract | Ovaj rad pruža uvid u stanje građevinske industrije na području Republike Hrvatske, s naglaskom na grad Zagreb. Na primjeru građevinskog poduzeća razmotreno je njegovo dosadašnje poslovanje, prikazani su te opisani temeljni financijski izvještaji. Osim toga, u radu se prikazuje trenutno stanje u građevinskom sektoru, ali se nabrajaju i detaljnije proučavaju problemi i krize s kojima se građevinska industrija u Republici Hrvatskoj kroz povijest susretala. Nadalje, dolazi se do dijela u kojemu se pobliže opisuje odabrano građevinsko poduzeće GOLDEN PROJEKT d.o.o., navode se osnovne informacije o poduzeću te osnivačima, to jest vlasnicima. Ujedno se govori i o prethodnim referencama te iskustvu vlasnika koji su u građevinskoj industriji više od 20 godina. Nakon toga, slijede redom kratki opis procesa poslovanja u kojemu se objašnjava na koji način poduzeće posluje, kratki opis procesa gradnje te kratki opis procesa prodaje kojeg vrše investitori, to jest vlasnici poduzeća. U sljedećem poglavlju, navode se i definiraju temeljni financijski izvještaji, od kojih se detaljnije obrađuju bilanca te račun dobiti i gubitka. Naposljetku, u predzadnjem poglavlju ovog rada, analiziraju se razvojne mogućnosti poslovanja poduzeća GOLDEN PROJEKT d.o.o. u budućnosti. Na samome kraju, u zadnjem poglavlju donosi se zaključak završnog rada sa završnom mišlju autora. |
Abstract (english) | This paper provides insight into the state of the construction industry in the Republic of Croatia, with an emphasis on the city of Zagreb. Using the example of a construction company, its previous operations were reviewed, and the basic financial statements were presented and described. In addition, the paper presents the current situation in the construction sector, but the problems and crises that the construction industry in the Republic of Croatia has faced throughout history are listed and studied in more detail. Furthermore, you get to the part where the selected construction company GOLDEN PROJEKT d.o.o. is described in more detail, basic information about the company and its founders, i.e. the owners, are given. It also talks about the previous references and experience of the owners who have been in the construction industry for more than 20 years. After that, there is a short description of the business process in which it is explained how the company operates, a short description of the construction process and a short description of the sales process carried out by the investors, that is, the owners of the company. In the next chapter, the basic financial statements are listed and defined, of which the balance sheet and the profit and loss account are processed in more detail. Finally, in the penultimate chapter of this paper, the business development possibilities of the company GOLDEN PROJEKT d.o.o. are analysed. in the future. At the very end, in the last chapter, the final paper is concluded with the author's final thought. |