Abstract | Rad je posvećen djelatnosti iznajmljivanja vozila koja u suvremenom svijetu više nije pojam luksuza i nedostupnosti široj publici, nego usluga kojom se, bilo u poslovne svrhe, bilo u slobodno vrijeme, koristi sve veći broj korisnika. Povijesno gledano, radi se o relativno novoj vrsti usluga nastaloj početkom 20. stoljeća, koja je evoluirala i postala nezaobilazna vrsta transportnih usluga, kao i dio uslužne djelatnosti u turističkom sektoru. Osim vodećih svjetskih brendova, u sektoru djeluje veliki broj srednjih i malih rent-a-car poduzeća koja nalaze svoje tržište i klijente zahvaljujući lokaciji, ali prije svega, zahvaljujući svojim diferenciranim uslugama i prilagodbi potrebama u, mahom, regionalnom okruženju. Zbog svoje veličine, uglavnom kao obiteljska poduzeća, lakše reagiraju i brže donose odluke o potrebnim promjenama u poslovanju. Uz povijest i sliku stanja u sektoru iznajmljivanja vozila u svijetu, Europi i Hrvatskoj, rad je posvećen važnosti i potrebi implementacije strategije u upravljanju, a isto tako daje uvid u osnovne analitičke alate bez kojih se ne može pristupiti odabiru i izradi strategije, s naglaskom na mala i srednja poduzeća.
U radu je odabrana jedna od generičkih strategija M. Portera, strategija diferencijacije, kao optimalna za jačanje konkurentnosti i održivost poslovanja. Iznesene su i preporuke za praksu svima koji su zainteresirani razvijati posao u djelatnosti iznajmljivanja vozila, a na kraju je zaključeno kako prepoznavanje potreba tržišta uz prilagodbe, kao i briga o kvaliteti, garantiraju održivost poslovanja i osiguravaju mjesto na tržištu. |
Abstract (english) | This paper deals with the concept of rent-a-car which, in the modern world, is no longer a concept of luxury and inaccessibility to a wider audience, but a service that is being used by an increasing number of users, either for business purposes or leisure. Historically speaking, it is a relatively new type of service created at the beginning of the 20th century, which evolved and became an indispensable type of transport services, as well as part of the service industry in the tourism sector. In addition to the world's leading brands, there are a large number of medium and small rent-a-car companies operating in the sector, which find their market and clients thanks to their location, but above all, thanks to their differentiated services and adaptation to the needs in a mostly regional environment. Due to their size, mainly as family businesses, they react more easily and make decisions about necessary changes in business more quickly. In addition to the whole situation about the rent-a-car industry and its history in the world, Europe and Croatia, this paper deals with the importance and need of implementing a strategy in management, while also providing an insight into the basic analytical tools without which one cannot approach the selection and creation of a strategy, with an emphasis on small and medium-sized companies.
In this paper, one of M. Porter's generic strategies, the differentiation strategy, was selected as optimal for strengthening competitiveness and business sustainability. Recommendations for practice were presented to all those interested in developing a business in the rent-a-car industry, while in the end, it was concluded that recognizing the needs of the market along with adjustments, as well as concern for quality, guarantee the sustainability of the business and secure its place on the market. |