Abstract | Crohnova bolest i ulcerozni kolitis autoimune su, kronične, neizlječive bolesti probavnog sustava. Iako se o njima sve više priča, stigmatizacija zbog simptoma koji prate ovu bolest je velika. Osobe oboljele od ovih bolesti u većini slučajeva su pod terapijom, lijekovima, često na pregledima i pretragama, nerijetko hospitalizirane i dovedene u situaciju da moraju ići na kirurške zahvate i biti primorane mirovati. U cilju je liječnika, a naravno i samih pacijenata, dovesti oboljelog u stanje remisije – odnosno, stanje bez akutnih simptoma.
Upravo zbog tih simptoma koji prate ove bolesti, oboljeli imaju poteškoća u profesionalnom, odnosno poslovnom razvitku. Cilj ovog rada bio je ispitati iskustva oboljelih od Crohnove bolesti ili ulceroznog kolitisa u poslovnom životu, odnosno smatraju li da poslodavci imaju razumijevanja za njihovu bolest, kako su se snašli u profesionalnom smislu uz svoju bolest, koliko im je (i je li im) narušena kvaliteta života, te jesu li upoznati s činjenicom da mogu dobiti određeni postotak invalidnosti s obzirom na stanje bolesti, pa tako i s činjenicom da isti postotak nosi određene beneficije. Istraživanje provedeno nad četiri osobe kroz dubinske razgovore, kao i istraživanje provedeno nad osamdeset i devet oboljelih osoba u online anketi pokazalo je kako je većini oboljelih rad otežan, kako su neki imali neugodna iskustva od strane poslodavaca i kolega na poslu, te kako su upoznati s beneficijama koje „nosi“ njihov postotak invaliditeta, a iste veći broj ispitanika nije govorio svojim poslodavcima. |
Abstract (english) | Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis are autoimmune, chronic, incurable diseases of the digestive system. Although they are increasingly talked about, the stigma due to the symptoms that accompany these diseases is enormous. People suffering from these diseases are in most cases under therapy, medication, often on examinations and tests, often hospitalized and put in a situation where they have to go to surgery and be forced to rest. The doctor's, and of course the patients main goal is to bring the patient into a state of remission - that is, a state without acute symptoms.
It is because of these symptoms that accompany these diseases that patients have difficulties in professional or business development. The aim of this thesis was to examine the experiences of people with Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis in business life, if employers have an understanding for their disease, how they coped with their disease professionally, how much (and whether) it affected their life quality and whether they are aware of the fact that they can get a certain percentage of disability given the state of the disease, and so is the fact that the same percentage brings certain benefits. A survey of four people through in-depth interviews, as well as a survey of eighty-nine sick people in online surveys, showed that most sick workers had difficulties while working, had some unpleasant experiences from employers and co-workers, and were familiar with the benefits that their percentage of disability "brings", but the same number of respondents did not speak about it to their employers. |