Abstract | Jedan od najboljih načina prikaza povijesti i kulture na nov, zanimljiv i edukativan način je kroz Muzej neostvarenih izuma. Za razliku od klasičnih muzeja, Muzej neostvarenih izuma ne bi imao izložene eksponate, već bi neostvareni izumi bili prikazani putem najnovijih tehnologija, poput 3D soba, VR naočala, interaktivnih sadržaja za djecu s motivima neostvarenih izuma itd. Istraživački problem ovog rada je bio nepostojanje Muzeja neostvarenih izuma te neistražena isplativost ulaganja u takav poduzetnički projekt. Stoga je glavni cilj istraživanja bio utvrditi postoji li financijska isplativost otvaranja Muzeja neostvarenih izuma te ukoliko postoji, na kojoj lokaciji – Toronto ili Zagreb. S obzirom na istraživačka ograničenja, ključni izvori za prikupljanje podataka bili su statistički, gospodarski, politički i kulturni podaci i informacije gradova Toronta i Zagreba. Analizom sadržaja prikupljenih podataka i informacija te financijskom analizom isplativosti ulaganja u Muzej neostvarenih izuma u odabranim gradovima, došlo se do sljedećih rezultata: utjecaj vanjskog okruženja od presudne je važnosti za poslovanje muzeja, a vanjsko okruženje je puno povoljnije u Torontu nego u Zagrebu, stoga je u Torontu isplativije pokrenuti muzej. Pokretanje muzeja u Torontu je isplativa investicija koja na godišnjoj razini generira dobit, za razliku od Zagreba, gdje je cjelokupno poslovanje tijekom 5 promatranih godina u minusu. Prvi i najvažniji korak pri pokretanju muzeja u Torontu jest dobivanje startup vize, što automatski znači i pronalazak investitora koji kao partner pomaže pri realizaciji muzeja. Preporuke daljnjih istraživanja na predmetnu ili slične teme odnose se na istraživanje potencijalnih tržišta i lokacija za potrebe otvaranja franšize muzeja diljem svijeta. |
Abstract (english) | One of the best ways of displaying history and culture in a new, interesting and educational way is through the Museum of unrealized inventions. Unlike the classic museums, the Museum of unrealized inventions would not have exposed exhibits, but unrealized inventions would be presented using the latest technologies, such as 3D rooms, VR glasses, interactive content for children with motives of unrealized inventions, etc. The research problem of this work was the absence of the Museum of unrealized inventions and unexplained cost-effectiveness of investing in such an entrepreneurial project. Therefore, the main objective of the research was to determine whether the financial viability of opening the Museum of unrealized inventions exists and, if does, at which location - Toronto or Zagreb. Given the research constraints, the key sources of data collection were the statistical, economic, political and cultural information and information of the cities of Toronto and Zagreb. Analyzing the content of the collected data and information and financial analysis of the feasibility of investing in a Museum of unrealized inventions in selected cities, the following results have been obtained: the influence of the external environment is of crucial importance for museum operations, and the outside environment is much more favorable in Toronto than in Zagreb, so the museum is more cost-effective in Toronto. The launch of the Toronto Museum is a cost-effective investment that generates profits annually, unlike in Zagreb, where the total business over the five years is negative. The first and most important step in launching a museum in Toronto is getting a startup visa, which automatically means finding an investor who as a partner helps to realize the museum. Recommendations for further research on subject or similar topics relate to exploring potential markets and locations for the need to open franchise museums around the world. |