Abstract | Tekstilna je industrija u prošlosti bila jedna od najvažnijih industrijskih grana u Hrvatskoj, no njezino se značenje s godinama uvelike smanjilo. Razlog tomu je slaba konkurentnost na globalnom tržištu, posebice zbog ulaska robe iz jugoistočne Europe. Kako bi tekstilna poduzeća opstala, potrebne su veća produktivnost, poslovna fleksibilnost te mogućnost brze prilagodbe zahtjevima tržišta. Pritom su od iznimne važnosti ljudski resursi koji, ako su pravilno vođeni, mogu uvelike pridonijeti kvaliteti proizvoda, a time i povećati cjelokupnu produktivnost poduzeća. Problem istraživanja u ovom radu odnosi se na ljudske resurse u tekstilnoj industriji te fleksibilnost menadžmenta ljudskih resursa u vrijeme koronakrize. Manjak radne snage, nemotiviranost i slaba produktivnost rada dovode do loših poslovnih rezultata i pada konkurentnosti. Predmet su istraživanja u radu analiza znanja, vještina, produktivnosti i motiviranosti djelatnika tekstilnog poduzeća Hava d.o.o. te utvrđivanje korištenih strategija menadžmenta za omogućavanje veće produktivnosti ljudskih resursa u uvjetima koronakrize. Spoznaje do kojih se istraživanjem došlo ukazuju kako poduzeće ima resursa, znanja i vještine da utječe na povećanje produktivnosti ljudskih resursa u vrijeme krize. Nadalje, odgovori koje su dali ispitanici, kao i odgovori direktora poduzeća, pomogli su u detektiranju odgovarajućih strategija omogućavanja veće produktivnosti ljudskih resursa u poduzeću Hava d.o.o. Naglasak se stavlja na komunikaciju, pružanje proaktivne podrške, javna priznanja, treninge i edukacije. |
Abstract (english) | In the past, the textile industry was one of the most important industries in Croatia, but its importance has greatly diminished over the years. The reason for this is the weak competitiveness in the global market, especially due to the entry of goods from the Southeast Europe. In order for textile companies to subsist, it is essential to enhance productivity, business flexibility and the ability to quickly adapt to market demands. At the same time, human resources are extremely important, which, if properly managed, can not only greatly contribute to product quality, but also increase the overall productivity of the company. The research problem in this paper relates to human resources in the textile industry and the flexibility of human resources management in times of Corona crisis. Labor shortages, lack of motivation and poor labor productivity lead to poor business results and declining competitiveness. The subject of research in this paper is the analysis of knowledge, skills, productivity, and motivation of employees of the textile company Hava Ltd. The aim is also to determine the management strategies used to enable higher productivity of human resources during the corona crisis. The main goal of the research is to determine appropriate strategies for enabling higher human resource productivity in the corona crisis conditions. The primary survey was conducted using a one-time survey method on a convenient sample of 52 employees of Hava Ltd. A survey distributed to the company's employees was used for the research. In addition to the survey, an interview was conducted with the director of the company. The findings of the research indicate that the company has the resources, knowledge, and skills to increase the productivity of human resources in times of crisis. Furthermore, the answers given by the examinees, as well as the answers of the company director helped to detect appropriate strategies for enabling higher human resource productivity in Hava Ltd. The emphasis should be put on communication, proactive support, public acknowledgement, training, and education. |