Sažetak | Svjetska je ekonomija, više nego ikada, iznimno povezana i transparentna, a putanje dobara, usluga i ljudi dostupne svakom pojedincu spojenom na internetsku mrežu. Upravo zato ostaje nejasna činjenica da se greške u ljudskim odlukama i dalje ponavljaju, kao i reakcija društva u cjelini na odluke pojedinaca. Također, državni mehanizmi za kontrolu gospodarstva i dalje nisu u mogućnosti efikasno reagirati na događaje u vrijeme kontrakcije ekonomskog obujma. Iz toga proizlazi i tema istraživanja ovog rada, koja uključuje proučavanje brojnih određenih situacija u kojima je ljudska odluka, direktno ili indirektno, stvorila jedan od glavnih uzroka budućeg gospodarskog pada. Pregledom ekonomskih ciklusa i ekonomskih kriza tijekom prošlog i ovog stoljeća, uočava se stalna pojava ljudske odluke kao glavnog generatora gospodarskih tokova, bilo pozitivnih ili negativnih. U isto vrijeme je vidljiv i stalni obrazac ponašanja društva u raznim fazama ekonomskih ciklusa. Samim time, vrlo je bitno educirati pojedince i društvo o mogućim financijskim rezultatima njihovih kratkoročnih i dugoročnih odluka, kao i odluka koje se tiču uže ili šire zajednice. Svakako je nužno i podrobnije proučavanje društva, kao i razvoja gospodarstva, kako bi se u budućnosti moglo što efikasnije reagirati na pozitivne i negativne posljedice ekonomskih ciklusa. |
Sažetak (engleski) | The world economy is, more than ever before, extremely connected and transparent, and the track of goods, services and people is available to every individual connected to the Internet. Because of that, it remains unclear how mistakes in human decisions continue to recur, as does the reaction of society as a whole to the decisions of individuals. Also, state mechanisms to control the economy are still unable to respond effectively to events at a time of contraction in economic volume. Therefore, the research topic of this paper, which includes the study of a number of specific situations in which human decision, directly or indirectly, has created one of the main causes of future economic decline. A review of economic cycles and economic crises over the past and this century shows the constant emergence of human decision as the main generator of economic flows, either positive or negative. At the same time, a constant pattern of society's behavior in various phases of economic cycles is visible. Therefore, it is very important to educate individuals and society about the possible financial results of their short-term and long-term decisions, as well as decisions concerning the closer or wider community. It is certainly necessary to study society, as well as the development of the economy, in order to be able to react as efficiently as possible in the future, to the positive and negative consequences of economic cycles. |